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The ProPhysique Code

Jun 30, 2022

Losing weight AND maintaining it can be easier said than done. Losing weight isn't always the hardest part, as oftentimes, it's keeping it OFF and maintaining that progress that deems itself as being the more difficult task at hand. In this episode, Coach Lexie and Matt discuss this topic. 

Jun 27, 2022

In this episode, Stephen and Daraja talk about simplifying your diet and what that looks like. Too many times, people like to overthink their diet and what is most optimal, when most times, it is much simpler than they think or at least, the simple steps are what's needed to get started. 

Jun 23, 2022

In this episode, Coach Kayleigh and Christina discuss the topic of DIGESTION and furthermore, how to troubleshoot when you may be experiencing digestion issues. 

Jun 20, 2022

In this episode, Dani introduced Maria and Ben, two new coaches to the team. Specifically, they dive into some differences between bodybuilding and powerlifting, both being very relevant to each of their individual backgrounds. 

Jun 16, 2022

How do you know when and if it is the time to start a contest prep? In this episode, Rachel and Jess go into details and logistics that should be considered when evaluating whether it is the right time to prep or not.